Front End Shake

I've noticed the comments on Michelin C II. I run this on the rear, 180-65-16, and truly believe in the twice the milage comments. I wish they made a replacement front tire. I run Elite 3 on the front.
I just put a new Elite 3 150 on my cycle. Next front will be the Commander II in the smaller diameter. Thanks for the knowledge.
Ya, I think you just got a defective Avon, I really liked mine

After what I went through ..... why would I take a chance on buying another Avon?

Couldn't get over 100 MPH it was so bad!

Screw me once shame on you.... screw me twice shame on me...LOL

Seems a lot of times when some one is complaining about front end shake (wobble) Avon is always mentioned.

Anyways.... next tire change I will give a 140 a try. Been told they ride rough on the interstate but corner really well on the back roads.

My Commander II is a 140, no rough riding at any point (with progressive front springs) the last Avon was also a 140. I really like the difference between the 140 & 150 more than any of the other changes. And I do like the Michie better than the Avon
Guess I had better understand the topics. My bad. I understood that the Michelin only went to 130. I guess being used ro 150 series I should drop to the 140. Sure sounds better to change by 10. I try to keep up!
My Commander II is a 140, no rough riding at any point (with progressive front springs) the last Avon was also a 140. I really like the difference between the 140 & 150 more than any of the other changes. And I do like the Michie better than the Avon

I used to run the Michelins on my ZX-R10..... can't wait to get the front tire changed out to a michie... can't seem to wear this Metz out fast enough since I work on Saturdays now.