Good gracious ! I said small punch not a bloody chisel . It usually takes 3 or 4 points around the bolt head , punching away from the casting . I've done hundreds ! send me the caliper. I will have that out in 5mins and send it straight back to you , cleaned up , de burred and like new . If not , I will send you mine !
Good gracious ! I said small punch not a bloody chisel . It usually takes 3 or 4 points around the bolt head , punching away from the casting . I've done hundreds ! send me the caliper. I will have that out in 5mins and send it straight back to you , cleaned up , de burred and like new . If not , I will send you mine !
Started with a small punch technique. No cigar. More aggressive punching... no no. There is not exactly much space to grab the metal you see. Heat + hex wrench, no no. It would cost more to ship the bloody thing than what it is worth. I am not a machinist or a bolt extractor but this one is a mean one. Eventually someone will take it out and we'll see why this happened.
Started with a small punch technique. No cigar. More aggressive punching... no no. There is not exactly much space to grab the metal you see. Heat + hex wrench, no no. It would cost more to ship the bloody thing than what it is worth. I am not a machinist or a bolt extractor but this one is a mean one. Eventually someone will take it out and we'll see why this happened.
There is another option - used by a mechanic mate of mine when the get a fecked up bolt. They buy TORX screwdriver heads that are persuaded to fit in the hex bolt head with a hammer. And then impact driven out. After that it's drill time.
And they get LOTS of practise. It's a Guzzi shop and Guzzi have taken to using special bolts made of something really soft but grippy. Tighten 1oz-in over spec and that's a seize.
There is another option - used by a mechanic mate of mine when the get a fecked up bolt. They buy TORX screwdriver heads that are persuaded to fit in the hex bolt head with a hammer. And then impact driven out. After that it's drill time.
And they get LOTS of practise. It's a Guzzi shop and Guzzi have taken to using special bolts made of something really soft but grippy. Tighten 1oz-in over spec and that's a seize.
There is another option - used by a mechanic mate of mine when the get a fecked up bolt. They buy TORX screwdriver heads that are persuaded to fit in the hex bolt head with a hammer. And then impact driven out. After that it's drill time.
And they get LOTS of practise. It's a Guzzi shop and Guzzi have taken to using special bolts made of something really soft but grippy. Tighten 1oz-in over spec and that's a seize.
dremeltool cut as much off as you can then with a small drill , drill into the bolt getting larger each time finally with a small screwdriver work the bits out.