I'm new to TuneEcu (but not new to EFI Calibration). I compared the Penner tune (US_Rocket3_GT_Full_Power_31013Map) to the stock tune and there are no changes in fueling at wide open. Just the removal of the throttle restriction. Do I have the right tune? I thought it was supposed to take out some rich points for better WOT power. Both Moore and TTS played with WOT fueling on their videos. Moore didn't show what changes he made, but he went from 162hp to almost 172 with fuel tunning after removing the throttle limits.
The file I have also runs rich at cruising TPS/RPM, which should gain nothing (other than increased fuel consumption) in a modern engine with good combustion characteristics.
If this is the tune everyone loves, then great, not going to argue with success, just wondering if there is a "latest and greatest" tune I'm missing.