Free unrestricted maps for Rocket R GT and TFC now online

From the site:

Update march-27-2021

TuneECU is back in Google Play Store.


When starting the app for the first time after an update or a new installation, you will be asked to select an account.

Of course, this has to be the account with which the app was purchased.

Example: Purchases were made with the account, the account must then also be selected when the app is started for the first time.
I’m sure I’ll have a good time getting all this done.
I’m sure I’ll have a good time getting all this done.
You will not. I assure you. You will, however, have a GREAT time once you get that beautiful TFC fueling ironed out. I will say a little prayer for your back tire.
I’m sure I’ll have a good time getting all this done.
Honestly the hardest part I thought of the entire process was getting the tune file that I downloaded unzipped and into the proper directory. I had to google that one on how to move files. I am one of those people who don't do much on my phone other than mostly use it as a phone.
Uploaded the unrestricted map today, or at least I think I did, any way to verify the unrestricted map is being used? Except looking at the tables which I dont really understand
There is no way to read from the ECU, only write to it. So unfortunately the only way to know that you got it loaded is the process didn't give you any errors, the bike starts, and you feel the difference in power.
You might notice the extra 25 hp at WOT at 6700 rpm or you could put it on a dyno. Or you could do an experiment. Edit the new tune and set the rev limiter to 5000. Save it with a different name and download it to the ECU. Confirm the reduced rev limit. Reload the unrestricted map.
I just assume i did it correct then, dont want to mess with the ecu more than necessary! i opened the unrestricted map in tuneecu and started reprogramming. No errors, starts and run just fine after. I did a short ride after, still have the decelpops but maybe thats normal even with unrestricted
Decelpops dont change with the new map. Ride in sport. Than in rain and feel a big big difference. Rain is not changed with the new map
You should be able to connect to the ecu and view the "notes" on the map. Also the number of times a map has been loaded.