For distance riding I like the roadster screen but have gone to the Adirodacks from here with the fly screen with no problem, about 9 hours. The nice thing about the fly screen is that it is small and can be tucked away on a trip and when you arrive it can be swapped over in about two minutes.

Ok so now I gotta know the difference between a roadster screen and a fly screen...please:)
Roadster screen is just what Triumph named there full screen. I amnot sure ifitwas that in o4-05 but itwas in 06 when I bought mine.the summer screen which I dont think they sell anymore was smaller then the Roadster screen yet gives good protection except in rain.
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The Sports screen made a bigger difference than I thought it would. I can open the windshield on my helmet while riding. The Sport screen directs the airflow above my head. Just want I wanted. I am 5'8" with a relatively short torso though.
In answer to your question I ma not a lover of screens but bought the sports screen as I thought it looked good. I didn't find high spedd cruising a problem before I had the screen and now see it as a benefit. I'm 6'1" and it takes the wind pressure off your chest and pushes the wind over your head IMO. Thorough;y recommend it.
I have had the Fly screen on both my Rockets, never ridden a Rocket without the Fly screen so can't compare
What I would say is, at 5ft 8ins they work for me :thumbsup:

I have both the clear little fly screen which is nicer in the hot weather looks better but I have also got a Clearview XL touring screen with the recurve lip and extra wide plus lowers and it seems to stay on the bike most of the year as the optional adjustable vent gives a nice cool breeze and great protection from the elements plus absulotly NO buffeting