Floppy Shifter, Not Good

Before i get all crazy, this output shaft bearing came off and i wasn't astute enough to pay attention, is the seal face thr crankcase, or supposed to face the gears?
The roll pin in the bearing looks to be offset thus will only go one way into the case?
Any helpful tips on replacing the torsional damper bearings? Vice position? Not looking to crush, damage or mess anything up
The spline end bearing will probably slide off with your hand once you get the nut loose. As I recall that nut is torqued very tight. The gear end bearing you can drive a screwdriver in between the gear and the bearing. When installing bearings drive them on by the inner race. You can put the shaft in the freezer first to make them go on easier.
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Any suggestions of where is the safest spot to clamp the shaft in the vice?

Any suggestions of where is the safest spot to clamp the shaft in the vice?

You don't have a lot of choices. You can use something like a couple small pieces of plywood and clamp it by the spline. Or take the gear off and hold it by the ramp piece.
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It's been an adventure. Ran into a few hiccups, broken sump bolt, 2nd to the last to be torqued down. The previous tech probably had it over tightened and weakened it. Damaged a bearing installing it on the torsion damper, the die was a touch too big and it slipped off the inner race, left dimples on ball cages. Had to go back for another. I did check the sump screens and found plenty of rag lint, sealer, and paint chips. All cleaned up now. Tested the transmission by hand, all gears accounted for, smooth shift as before, but more crisp, no slop like before. Guess that bolt was just waiting for its moment to escape. Now... before i get fully completed, any recommendations on brake pads? Rears need to be changed. Also fork oil? I will be removing them after the holidays and taking them to the dealer to service. They have a small drip from the bolt above the wheel axle, no drips from the seals externally though.
I've been using this place for brake pads for my Kawasaki for the past two changes.
I have a set for my Rocket but have not had to use them yet.
They are a great price and have worked well for me.

Search Results – D2Moto
They are the supplier for Walmart, too. Free Shipping.
Well all done and back on the road. Running great, shifting smoothly but with positive solid engagements. Went 100 miles between late yesterday and today. Weather is damp and cool. Tomorrow is supposed to be super nice, 65° for a high, then cold front moving in. I'm happy shes back on the road.