That cap is very soft metal
I would suggest maybe pliers or screw driver to bend it up so the screw will clear once cap is off then maybe you can remove the little screw straighten the cap and reuse
Mine was leaking and I took a some pliers and with hardly any pressure
I bent the tabs and is still working good.
The radiator is very soft so be careful.
That cap is very soft metal
I would suggest maybe pliers or screw driver to bend it up so the screw will clear once cap is off then maybe you can remove the little screw straighten the cap and reuse
Mine was leaking and I took a some pliers and with hardly any pressure
I bent the tabs and is still working good.
The radiator is very soft so be careful.
My phone does not have the year
Maybe put a soldiering gun tip on the set screw and melt it out.
You know we are guessing because we never strip threads lol
Me too ended in that situation almost and barely survived the stripped screw on radiator cap so I replaced that cheap garbage screw with Allen hex one and all is good now but you can start from those videos, very smart ideas there
Not a suggestion, just telling you my experience. When took my cap off the first time I didn't know about that little screw, so I just forcefully twisted the cap off. So I just bent the screw back after taking it off and realized that it was there. I think Triumph purposely used a soft screw; so it will bend and give.