Old gray-haired biddies often use a tint that gives their hair a faint bluish cast.
I have to say that Fla has the weather for riding in the winter. It was high 70 to low 80s all the time we were there But I can't even think of being there in the summer.The only hills I saw anyone go over were the curbs, thats the highest point in Fla.
We went to Sebring to be with the Scamp group. We all Have travel trailers made by Scamp and we have a get together every Feb. This was the first I made in 6 years, because of the Cancer. We had 61 trailers from around the country. Then we headed to Key west and made a Stop in South beach. What a place. I just wished I was able to drink because I would have never walked out of there. Then to Fort Meyers Beach. After that we figured time to start heading home with a stop in St Augistine. Total mileage 3800 miles in 20 days with lots of beach time. Thanks Fla. I am hoping to see More Rockets at MV. MV OR BUST
The problem we have is mainly with nimrod tourists and the blue haired army (aka snowbirds) that won't keep their asses in New York, or wherever the hell else they come from).

p.s. NO ONE should come here. The beaches are COVERED in oil from the BP spill. Crime is rampant. There are 3 hurricanes that have the state surrounded on all three sides and all are category 5. And, the price of a Happy Meal at McClown's is over $10.00. Do yourselves a favor and stay the eff away, PLEASE!

p.s.s. Regardless of what the "Come to Florida" vacation ads (paid for by greedy condo developer/owner pukes) may lead you to believe, the locals DO NOT want you here.

Have a nice day, somewhere else! :p
In Florida's defense (but not by much) most of all NY, CT and MA drivers drove like they were brain dead last time I was up there. In truth in any state nowadays you better be paying attention to where you are going because they sure aren't:D.


Went through Haaaatfud CT a couple years ago. Couldn't believe how people drive there. The Stebel got a workout. The guy on the trip with us said as far as he was concerned all the drivers in Haaaatfud could get farked in the arse with a haaas cock !