Fla. Drivers


Been there, done that, now whats next?
Feb 24, 2007
Selden,Long Island,New York
2006 Rocket Classic Bone/ivory
I think I figured out the Fla. Driver. He or she before going to bed decides that they have to go to store XYZ, then goes to bed. When they wake they try to figure where they had to go that day, walk around the house early in the morning looking for the keys to the car, find them then get in the car to drive to (they don't remember where, but as they drive they remember. The problem is they remember while they are in the left lane doing 40 in a 65 MPH zone. No problem Theres the exit to the store, they turn right to get out the exit never mind that there are two other lanes with cars in them and the exit also has cars, but they can make it. They get to the exit then realize that it's the wrong one so they turn left to get back on the Highway. then they get out the next exit, but this time there in the right lane to exit. As they are now done with their shopping it's time to get back home they enter the highway and head right for the left lane, none stop. It's not just the older folks but the young ones also that are on the cell phones.
So, 64Herald... how was your recent Florida vacation???
I thought California drivers were bad, until I went to Kansas last year on business
Anthony, I've lived in many places, from California to Connecticut, and I'd never seen worse drivers than on L.I. (I grew up there) until I moved to SW Florida...you and the exiled scot are right, FL is loaded with brain-dead Qtips and cell phone yapping twits and twats (especially now, during season). I guess that's the reason I'm paying these sky-high insurance rates...
In Florida's defense (but not by much) most of all NY, CT and MA drivers drove like they were brain dead last time I was up there. In truth in any state nowadays you better be paying attention to where you are going because they sure aren't.
