First Bad News for new Rocket: oil leaks

The only oil that test as well or better than lucas in everything ive researched, my lucas 15w50 does great for me Rob said my engine looked ok inside i have 50 thousand miles, i see on here this forum uses everything and none of us hurt our beloved rockets from type of oil, pushing 10k is hard on all oils, and your registration fees good gracious boil the water, that is like 3 years worth round here, cant wait for your bike to come in im looking forward to your reports i know you will be on every nut and bolt.
My cobber who is the president of our chapter of the New Zealand Triumph Riders Club of New Zealand, brought his Rocket 'R' around yesterday. He just got it on Friday.(it's sunday morning here guys!).
We had a real good look around it and played with the screen and different settings etc. We were both disapointed in the oil cap and the water filler cap. Both are plastic, not lockable and are a pain to get back on properly...why, after spending so much attention to detail, did Triumph not put lockable caps on here?...if you get it wrong and twist to hard...guess what?
There are many great features on this bike of course...its very very quiet...needs some noise!..the rear wheel will be like removing a car wheel...unbolt and it comes off the side.
I have bought an infill seat for my GT...when it arrives.. and it dosnt fit his R...he has the sport seat...mine will be the touring...its a bit short. You have to make sure you get the right one if youre buying one.
Worzel did a 200km ride on friday afternoon after taking possession of it and only had enough gas for about 20k's left when he got back. Its abit thirsty at this early road mode..but should ease up a bit when it gets worn in we are thinking.
It's ticking all the boxes for Worzel..he has just stepped off a speed triple so its a bit different stance and sitting position but he feels he will get used to that pretty quickly..he keeps trying to put his feet back to the pedals..that sort of thing. He is looking forward to being able to give her a bit of stick!...He is a very smooth and quick rider so it will be fun when the two of us can ride together again.
the fuel mileage doesn't get much better after break in, i believe it is an 18l tank, and i did 250km and had half a litre left, a little bit of pushing it, but nothing hooligan worthy
I was getting 35 mpg when it was newer and it has gone up to around 40 mpg after 3500 miles. I bet I could get less if I pushed hard for the full tank. The bike has so much torque and the power is so linear that you end up not reving hard all day long. Dang smooth motor.

Any chance a bloke on an 06 can cruise along behind you two or is it limited to the new model only!!
They've been made aware of some that need a little more tightening.

This post seems to have drifted away from engine oil leak .
This is real. Not somthing to wipe up.
Apparently Not to be plugged up.
I was just at my dealers and they have a 2020 Rocket in a bay with the engine sitting on the floor.