First Bad News for new Rocket: oil leaks

Hopefully these stains have got nothing to do with the current subject (a friend intends to ask the dealer about it, picture taken at the dealership, if any news I'll post here asap) :

Ok the friend had the dealer on the phone and his anwer is reassuring :

"It is effectively a leak and the mechanic said it was coming from a little hose which was moving a bit. During the quality controls, my mechanic had noticed that this hose could probably move, so they anticipated it and got this hose fixed before the delivery to the customers."

Now I'd like to know whether this is a breather tube/pipe for the water cooling or else ?

I'll find out more with my dealer representative. In the meantime I've informed him by mail and his reply was that he's passed the info. to the mechanic.


I understand that there are 3 oil drain plugs but it's surely got nothing to do with these leaks

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Talked to another dealer : he confirmed that there may be effectively this leak problem since they've received in the box a R3 with the bottom of the box* <<completely full of oil>> ! ...

...However the dealer told me that there is nothing to worry about since it was only a problem due to a wrong tightening torque of a bolt/screw; he added that's part of the inconveniences specific to new models.
So from that day they'll make sure to double check this element before delivering to the customer and they expect that it should not occur again with the new deliveries given that Triumph has been obviously informed.

* this kind of box as we can see here :

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I saw 4 of these crates at my dealer’s. He wants $599 for “dealer prep”. I can see why. Freight is $600. How much can a dealer reduce these charges (and also for installation of accessories) and still make money?
Well to be truthful the way the World is going/turning it looks like the Scots are the real men left, except Alan Cummings -America you can have him.

Alan Cumming (no "s") is a good actor, was really good in "The Good Wife".
Now that I know he is a Scott, I shall reevaluate . . .