Bike looks great and you will need a speedo with some higher numbers on it. I know not everyone likes to 'bling' up their bikes but as a cheap easy nice finishing touch what about putting some of the stick on chrome U strip along the bottom edge of the tank. I dont know why Triumph dont finish it better. And you can put it along the tail too. It looks a whole lot better. Here is your bike with it added to give you an idea. Just a thought. And its a couple of dollars off flea bay.
Ive sone rhe suspension, just got to get the front springs put in- i went with the Wilbers.
I am also thinking of a set of the Pretech 6 pot calipers for up front.
Posted the pic just so everyone knows that the 220 kph in third gear ain't with some bantam onboard f#ck it !!!!! ... now I want my bike to go 220kph in third gear
Ive sone rhe suspension, just got to get the front springs put in- i went with the Wilbers.
I am also thinking of a set of the Pretech 6 pot calipers for up front.