Finally Done With Nev's Cams

MiamiDave said:
I suspected he did remap some WOT runs (the easiest to map for straight A/F) in order to make power and be safe.

The full remap will give you more juice under WOT, but still will have a positive effect on the dyno. Not to sound like a naysayer, I think he will only see 1-2 more HP but a bit more TQ with the full remap (alone).

Nev was balls on dead accurate though in his original RWHP estimations, which was equally impressive.

The torque increase, across the board is mainly what I'm looking for.

And yeah, Nev was absolutely balls on, I got exactly what he advertised and I'm not even finished.
I have finally remapped using TB. As you can see I still have some tweaking to do, but it's starting to shape up a bit.
The red line is the new run with TB.
The blue line is the run with new cams installed,
but not yet remapped with TB.
This is the charts before I installed the cams.
I did have triple K&Ns, Jardines and PC111 custom map.
It's the green line ofcourse.
Also these charts are in SAE, as apposed to STD, so add a couple points to each for comparison.
Nice jethro,
@ about 5252 rpms on the
torque chart hp & tq converge
looks like your getting about 155 hp
so your still pulling hard @ the top
when the hp takes over about 140 tq @ 6000 .
Thats very good :!: usually you get
massive torque lost , in upper rpm ranges
when hp starts taking over
Looks like you hit the sweet spot :wink:

dragline708 said:
Nice jethro,
@ about 5252 rpms on the
torque chart hp & tq converge
looks like your getting about 153- 155 hp
so your still pulling hard @ the top
when the hp takes over .
That very good :!: usually you get
massive torque lost , in upper rpm ranges
when hp starts taking over
Looks like you hit the sweet spot :wink:

Yeah, you can see where I marked it, I believe that should put my shift point right at six thousand, if I'm figuring it correctly.
What do you think?
jethro ,
If it was me , I'd have to do some testing , but
what it looks like to me.
I'd try this 1 - 3 gears shift @ 5800 rpm's
drop back into most time spent in about max torque
curve after shifting and a good hp range, then shift about 6200
once weight is on the move and speed up there ,
where hp can take over :wink:
I'd play around that area testing give or take 200 / 300 rpm's

ex: shift @ 5800 rpm drop back( about 1500 to 4300 after shift
check torque curve @ 4000/ 4300

Dave ,
I thought the same thing for yrs
racing my Anglia
twisted 7200 out of the hole .....( 8000 rpm cam profile )
tried short shifting out of the hole once
drop back into torque curve spent more time there
picked up .3 on ET ( would have never believed it )
even though Anglia was light weight 2100 #s
Use the Torque to move the weight to maxiumize effect
let the HP do its job where it does it best upper rpm range
& high speed ,when Torque falls off.
Isn't that why we like the rocket , the torque gets the weight
moving quick .... most effective in first 3 gears normal riding.

hombre said:
Looking good, Jethro!

Is that TB run with 1FstHombre? If so, did you tweak it at all, or is that dyno run straight out of the box? If you did no tweaking yet, I really think you can improve both the extreme lower and upper RPM ranges.

Although I did like your tune, I ended up using a tune that Nev sent me.
He left the ignition and fuel trim uncommitted, so I could see what he had
changed and I could work from there.
Either way your right, I also think there's room for improvement.