Finally Done With Nev's Cams


.060 Over
Dec 9, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Here's the new dyno runs with the new cams. I still have more tweaking
to do, but this will give you guys a good idea of what to expect.
It only looks like a 8HP gain, but above 4000rpms the bike screams.
It also seems to rev much faster. In first gear if you nail it over 3000rpms
the back tire starts to spin while the front end comes up ( pretty radical ).
So far I'm happy with what I did, but like I said its not tweaked at all. I'm
sure I can get a few more horses out of it.

Check your PM.

At idle it sounds the same, but above 4000rpms at hard throttle it seems to go through the rpm range much quicker and definitely sounds meaner.

Seat of the pants, the bike seems much more powerful. It's somewhat like when I went from the stock intake to the triples.

So far I'm happy, but I've still got more tweaking to do. you should be able to beat me

J-Ro has about 2-4 more RWHP in his system if he bumps the revs and plays with the timing via the TB.

And personally I would trade some low end grunt gor high RPM pull...
once again I find myself in the land of GIANTS! Someday, maybe, I'll make it to the big league. In the mean time, I'll remain content with my ass-slinging stock beast. Woohooo!!!
scotsmun said:
Nice one jethro .......good to see you are pleased with the result, it seems to be on par with what you would expect from the mild cams...........enjoy :wink:

Thank you, I appreciate that, also thanks for your help with this and my

triples last year.
MiamiDave said:
J-Ro has about 2-4 more RWHP in his system if he bumps the revs and plays with the timing via the TB.

I forgot to mention that the bike hasn't even been remapped yet. We just

dynoed the bike after the cams install and a 7 mile test ride waiting for the

check engine light to go off. After remap, possibly with TB, I will post new

I didn't know that either (but we talked about it).

I suspected he did remap some WOT runs (the easiest to map for straight A/F) in order to make power and be safe.

The full remap will give you more juice under WOT, but still will have a positive effect on the dyno. Not to sound like a naysayer, I think he will only see 1-2 more HP but a bit more TQ with the full remap (alone).

I would love to see 15 more RWHP with the cams alone, but I don't think so.

Nev was balls on dead accurate though in his original RWHP estimations, which was equally impressive.
hombre said:
Jethro, why didn't you say so?!? That changes everything... I bet with remap you'll be at 165 HP and the torque curve will look even better! BTW, with TuneBoy you could read that DTC (engine light) and then shut it off.


Like I said on another thread somewhere, I'm not the sharpest knife in the kitchen. Why do you think they call me Jethro.

Yeah, I agree with you about the increase with remap, give or take a hp.
It's mainly the dips in the lower rpm range I want to work on, maybe
starving for fuel.

The engine light went off after the 7 mile test ride by itself, but I do need
the TB for further tuning among the other things.