Final drve drain bolt

I don't see why a larger more powerful magnet on some copper wire would not get the parts back out if your clever. If nothing moved since this happend it cant be far away and within reach
it's not that the magnet or thread remains could do big damage, it's the tiny piece of the edge of a tooth of a geat that could be taken off from it that will do the damage. Hard teeth are also brittle when it comes to pinch pints and even if it does get ground up it could do damage that means a replacment
I don't see why a larger more powerful magnet on some copper wire would not get the parts back out if your clever. If nothing moved since this happend it cant be far away and within reach
it's not that the magnet or thread remains could do big damage, it's the tiny piece of the edge of a tooth of a geat that could be taken off from it that will do the damage. Hard teeth are also brittle when it comes to pinch pints and even if it does get ground up it could do damage that means a replacment
Absolutley! I have been reading this and wondering why the heck no one has suggested doing what you just did. Magnets normally repel each other but I would give it a whirl. If that fails I would put some sticky goo on the end of a screwdriver or something similar. I sure would not be in any hurry to involve a Triumph dealer. :rolleyes:
I don't see why a larger more powerful magnet on some copper wire would not get the parts back out if your clever. If nothing moved since this happend it cant be far away and within reach
it's not that the magnet or thread remains could do big damage, it's the tiny piece of the edge of a tooth of a geat that could be taken off from it that will do the damage. Hard teeth are also brittle when it comes to pinch pints and even if it does get ground up it could do damage that means a replacment
Magnets don't attract other magnets, they repel. Might pick up debris. Real tight area. Good luck
Absolutley! I have been reading this and wondering why the heck no one has suggested doing what you just did. Magnets normally repel each other but I would give it a whirl. If that fails I would put some sticky goo on the end of a screwdriver or something similar. I sure would not be in any hurry to involve a Triumph dealer. :rolleyes:

Magnets don't attract other magnets, they repel. Might pick up debris. Real tight area. Good luck
Lol, really? You guys understand north and south poles, right? Opposites attract, same repel, whichever side is up, if you approach it with another magnet, it will most likely flip and stick. Unless it's a magnetic monopole. 😉
Absolutley! I have been reading this and wondering why the heck no one has suggested doing what you just did. Magnets normally repel each other but I would give it a whirl. If that fails I would put some sticky goo on the end of a screwdriver or something similar. I sure would not be in any hurry to involve a Triumph dealer. :rolleyes:
I will try to add a few to your good list.
A small ball of black silacone on a screw driver inserted in the fill hole and then let dry.
We have super heavy duty magnets
and i hve had luck attaching them to a screw driver to make the screw driver a superior
magnet. They also have a tool that has fingers that may or may not goin there and retrieve the drain plug magnet
But maybe it will be rasy to take apart?
Magnets don't attract other magnets, they repel. Might pick up debris. Real tight area. Good luck
WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT... magnets repel the same poles and atract opposite poles. a stronger magnet will absolutly grab it.. i have no idea what you all are going on about magnets repelling eachother, if that was the case, the universe would explode instantly!
if you do a magnet, use copper wire in a loop aroung a ring magnet so you dont loose it. copper because it bends easily and you can control it.
Lol, really? You guys understand north and south poles, right? Opposites attract, same repel, whichever side is up, if you approach it with another magnet, it will most likely flip and stick. Unless it's a magnetic monopole. 😉
techically we (humans) have actually invented a one pole magnet, but its not really a physical thing, its on the atomic level that only exists for a few microseconds, basically the start of black hole creations during operations of the hadron collider... ik im going way off topic but SCIENCE YEA....
When I was a little boy i would play with magnets and the iron shavings i found in the washes after a rsin
I have an idea lets move on from the magnets .