Final Drive Failure

Skid Mark

.040 Over
Sep 15, 2005
Jacksonville , NC
21298 miles traveling at 45 mph accelerating to 55 mph a low grumble sound followed by a decreased feeling of drive. Costed to a stop clutch pulled in. Engine still running no light no mess of oil on the road. Let the clutch out in 1st and it sounded like a box of rocks and the bike did not move Shut it down! moved shifter through the gears by hand ... nice and smooth. Pushed it forward no noise and then back rolled just fine but with the box of rocks sound . So I have concluded that my finial drive has come apart. No I have looked but could not find the sticky with the part # for the up grade kit. I found a by part list of what is in it also I am looking for the Gentleman's name and number for Triumph USA that deals with this issue. And the week end was going to be nice out.:mad:
yes , The bike had the original finial drive replaced in early 2005 by the dealership prior to it going on the floor for sale. I had also been experiencing the 2nd gear jumping out of engagement as long ago as 2007 I had took it in to the dealers on a service call and had it noted but the technicians said there was no problem. Along with this there has been a noise coming from the clutch when pulled in same thing no problems far as they could tell. So I believe I may have issues that can be addressed by the up grade kit that dates back to 2007. :eek:
Hey skid if you find out who makes the final drive I would be interested in knowing. I would like to see about a different gear ratio. Or may another drive unit with a different ratio in her.
This is neither here nor there, but I had my final drive replaced under the recall way back when and it wasn't all that expensive, something like $350 I seem to remember. Or I should say that is what it got charged out at under the recall. I'll bet used from a salvage yard would be very reasonable, but I don't know where or how you would come up with a different gear set for a different gear ratio. Possibly those gears may be used for a different app and there may be some other choices :confused:
Do you make a lot of horsepower or stock?

Drag Racing, lots of burnouts, power shifting?

Scheduled maintenance of changing gear lube?

Many thanks, not what you need in the middle of
the riding season.
