Final Drive Failure

Hey skid if you find out who makes the final drive I would be interested in knowing. I would like to see about a different gear ratio. Or may another drive unit with a different ratio in her.

I believe the final drive unit is made by Antonio Masiero SpA of Italy. They are the actual gear makers for both MB and ZF. I'm still awaiting an answer on custom gearing. :cool:
It's possible to hob ring and pinion gears in any ratio but the cost is probably prohibitive. I knew it was of Italian manufacture, just not the manufacturer. Forgot, cost isn't an option with you.

I'm thinking that the reason the FD unit isn't field serviceable is that the preload on the pinion is a crush preload much like front hubs are manufactured for cars today. You torque the pinion to a set value, say 250 foot pounds and that is a calculated pre-load on the pinion. It's engineered to 'crush' the mating surface of the nut a predetermined amount.

Rule of thumb for hypoid gearing is 0.008-0.010 running clearance and it depends on the SAE weight of the gear lube as well.
Here is the name you are looking for..

Here is the contact name you are looking for. Good luck..

Send Peter a note and see what he thinks. Pete is a Triumph Big Wig.

Peter Carleo (

His name is Peter in Georgia #1.678.854.2010 hope this is what your looking for.

Have a great day!:D
Would you believe it boiled down to how much of the sales floor was dedicated to Triumph motorcycles?
We will continue to service the bikes we have sold to customers, but any major repairs requiring more than the handfull of service parts we will keep onhand will end up going to other dealers.
Obviously, warranty repairs will cease for all of our Triumph customers.
Jon Ross
Service Manager
Capitol BMW Triumph

Thank you I am sorry about the deal going bad with Triumph what are those people thinking .

On Jul 29, 2009, at 9:44 AM, <> wrote:

Jon Ross here at Capitol BMW Triumph.
Some interesting developments in regards to our dealership here in Raleigh have taken place over the last 10 days.
Triumph North America and the new business owners were unable to come to an agreement, so we will be dropping the Triumph line as of August 1st.
Triumph will be coming to pick up their new motorcycles and all of the original equipment Triumph parts will be leaving as well.
We will be unable to receive any warranty compensation for repairs after Friday, July 31st.
You will need to contact Steel Dreams in Fayetteville, they are your closest Triumph dealership.
On a side note, I spoke with Chris Langlois at Triumph North America regarding the rear drive failure that you have experienced.
Triumph will not verbally authorize any repair to your motorcycle without it being inspected by a Triumph authorized dealership, furthermore the prospect of them replacing the rear drive under "goodwill" warranty is a 50/50 chance.
In addition to the rear drive problem you had made mention of the "update kit" that Triumph has made retroactive on the 2006 & 2007 models. Chris was adament that they would not authorize the installation of the update kit on your 2005.
Its unfortunate that we will not be able to help you in this endeavor, but Triumph shot themselves in the foot in regards to the new building location that we will be moving into next month.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Jon Ross
Service Manager
Capitol BMW Triumph Vespa of Raleigh
(soon to be Capitol BMW Vespa of Raleigh):mad::mad::mad::(
3 dealers and counting...

That's real interesting info, Skid. My experiences with that particular dealer lead me to believe Triumph knows exactly what they are doing. Still, it's kind of funny, in a very inconvenient kind of way, and especially since I wouldn't have gone back to that dealer anyway, that this brings my personal total to 3 now - 3 authorized service shops that I have depended on and that have subsequently left me high and dry by losing their Triumph dealership... in Bluefield, Lynchburg and now Raleigh.
I'm headed to Greensboro next.
If, it was me, I'd be calling Gus at Baxter. But then, that's me. It would be a hike but it would be worth ever mile. besides, it's nice out, unlike me going in the wintertime.

That really sucks.

You have to wonder about Triumph North America. It used to cost 250K to get a franchise. I have no idea what the cost is today, but I do know this and that is, if Triumph keeps on the same tack, they be paying dealers to take a franchise rather than taking money.