fellow roadster owners-

yeah the vibration could have something to do with it; the bike is awesome but i'm 50 now I'm afraid i maybe getting too old for it. There is a guy trying to sell his K1600B which is another awesome bike maybe less taxing on the body but i know the day I sell the Rocket I will regret it instantly.
50 and to old for the Rocket? Have you seen the average age of the first Gen Rocket owners?
Maybe arthritis? Or the on set of that stuff your fingers lock up? Someone was telling me there doctor told them that would get worse but i can’t remember the name of it. Hopefully at 50 it will be ok and not get worse so twist it like today is your last every time you go out riding, throwing caution to the wind and just LIVIN
Maybe arthritis? Or the on set of that stuff your fingers lock up? Someone was telling me there doctor told them that would get worse but i can’t remember the name of it.
At 13 years old my Doctor told me they were 'Speed Blisters'. Then we segued into why my right arm was much bigger than my left.
First signs of carpal tunnel syndrome, gets worse over time with hands going numb when riding, sleeping, lying or trying to read a book or tablet etc for more than a minute or two. Increasing frequency of sharp pains in thumb tendons too.

Had both my hands cut at the same time using keyhole surgery 8 weeks ago and can now easily lift a 290 lb 250cc banger to perch up on an inverted milk crate and pick up and move a house brick or Rocket III glass mat battery one handed. Patience is required!

The only wounds externally are just half inch slits on your wrists, but they cut a groove inside your hand to the palmar crease and cut right through the half inch wide ligament band that covers the bottom of your wrists carpal tunnel formed by the wrist bones like an inverted 'U'.
They do it in a day surgery at private hospital or if other issues and no one home to support they keep you overnight. Hands are a bit tender for a couple of months but you can wipe your own bum the next day and I only ever used paracetamol for pain after. Took a good 6 weeks before I could use my garlic crusher and if you over do it you get a stinging that goes away .
Overall a huge improvement and more strength will return yet.
Cost about US$4500 all up here in Oz with o'night hospital, anaesthetist and a lead Professor surgeon and an asst surgeon. I have private cover but that only gave me about US$1500 back, but they picked up my hospital in full.
update here:
so i've been using this below purchased via amzon like another rider said this cruise device can and will scare the crap out of you (in addition to being a little dangerous) putting in neutral the high rev is alarming but i use not for the cruise control...more as a throttle assist now its almost like a holding a pencil its much easier to get the gas without the excessive twist of the right grip and consequently my middle finder doesn't have the discomfort like needing to crack it (pulling it back to relieve the pressure)
so this tells me it was the throttle (twisting) causing the issue and not the brake..

Go Cruise GC-A1BK GO CRUISE 2 Universal Throttle Control System – Black​

thx for that not sure i'm ready to go down that route this inflammation of the hands for me came rather sudden without any real warnings; my left hand is ok its the right specifically the middle finger same issue clav. was having