Favor please: bad vibration rear - 2020 R3R

Sometimes you get lucky with tyres and don’t need Them …. Had few like that.
What about balancing beads ? When I had a Suzuki boulevard everyone swore by them. Bit of a sceptic myself.
I actually don’t think it’s the rim, or tire. Getting stuck in bumper to bumper traffic is dreadful for me because the bike still vibrates the hell out of me while barely moving. And in start n stop traffic like that, I can’t actuate the cruise control to give my already numb hands a break. It’s got to be internal.
I don’t think I have that much time left. I rode my Vulcan 2000 for 16 years with a massive vibration, because nobody could figure that one out either. Who knew I would bye an even bigger, more expensive bike, with an even WORSE vibration!?
Under warranty. Take to dealer.
Under warranty. Take to dealer.
Did take it to dealer. A mechanic took it for a short ride through town, came back, n said he really didn’t notice a bad vibration, ( typical dealership blame deflection). Basically shrugs his shoulders, looks at me with a “ sucks to be you” expression on his face, then proceeds to hand me a $450 bill for my first service oil change. I’ve been through this game before with Toyota. They sold me a TUNDRA that has a negative battery draw problem. I took it back to them four times, and they keep saying there’s no problem. Most ppl have probably not dealt with a**hole dealerships. But believe me, when they decide to **** you, it’s a ****in you’ll get.
If it vibrates as you say all the time rather than intermittent, maybe take to another shop for diagnosis in writing. Fight with that. Something sounds seriously wrong that must be documented. Record it? Anyone in your area have same bike you can swap briefly?
I hate seeing this, but there must be a solution.