Favor please: bad vibration rear - 2020 R3R

Like I stated. Why do warranty work and jump through hoops for half the price they charge the general public. They DO NOT like warranty work as it doesn't pay. Now each dealer and state is different in the hourly rates. In fact, there may be a few states that charge low rates. California certainly isn't one of them. The dealers are vampires and the blood is your money. Then again, what isn't expensive in todays world.
That’s certainly been my experience with shops. I’m not looking forward to the fight ahead of me this summer.
In Spain is not much different.

I happened to be at a wedding with a Triumph salesman. I noticed that he was avoiding me but in the end we ended up talking about the shaking and shaking on my bike. They are not very fond of warranty service. Triumph gives them instructions so that this type of problem happens as normal, because for them to disassemble the entire front end, it is a lot of time and money. Apparently, the price per hour invested today is not profitable.
If you have, like I did, a simple incident -change the glass of the Tft screen- there is no problem,
but if you have to try, study or improve something, you are lost.
They are somewhat trained to say that to the customer.

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If my bike, or any machine simply cannot safely and mechanically preform to the specifications designed by engineers, and promised to its customers. Is it not then de facto defective?
If my bike, or any machine simply cannot safely and mechanically preform to the specifications designed by engineers, and promised to its customers. Is it not then de facto defective?
The problem is that all vehicle manufacturers have an 'allowed parameters' meaning that if it isn't exact it can be "kind of good" or "Okay, allowable" in certain problems. The vibration has perimeters as does most of their screw ups such as stalling. If it stalls 5 times in 50 outings and it doesn't stall when the dealer rides it on his 3 mile loop then it isn't a problem to them cause it didn't happen even though the diagnostic features will tell them when it stalls. They say that the problem in question is within the manufacturers allowed specs. It's an uphill battle unless all of the Rockets are having the same problem. California has a lemon law and it states a visit from 1 to 4 visits to the dealer for a safety item (rear brakes) constitutes the dealer reimburse you or provide a new Motorcycle to you. A bike at the dealer for one month also is included although they also say bikes stay in the dealers longer than automobiles. With COVID and back logs good luck with that unless it's 6 months. Dealers/manufacturers don't really care about the Lemon Law as they know most will not hire a 'Lemon law attorney'. I believe a few on here have a good case for the lemon law. One more thing. I sincerely believe that most dealers when dealing with a problem they can't remedy try to be our best friend and tell you over and over they will get to the bottom of it and later tell you they couldn't find anything. When a personal relationship is formed the consumer is less likely to contest or take the manufacture/dealer to court or complain. Beware of new best friend dealers. Cheers.
Thx for an informative reply. You are of course correct. I know what you’re saying about the dealership “BFF” factor. I had this bike delivered to my home without having riden it first.( middle of winter). That’s on me I guess. But BOY weren’t they all just the friendliest dudes on the planet. You’d think we were long lost buddies. I know they knowingly sold me a lemon. Virtually positive they reset both trips to zero as well. Don’t know how to prove that though. The whole deal smelt fishy. Oh and look....it’s a lemon.

This was the day they inspected 15 checkpoints.
Observe that cinematographic the mechanic appears holding the Allen key.
Have you had any reduction in your rear brakes effectiveness? Mine is approximately half what it was after only 4,500 klm’s.
Dealers/manufacturers don't really care about the Lemon Law as they know most will not hire a 'Lemon law attorney'.

You don't hire lemon law attorneys-by law they're paid by the manufacturer. But that means attorneys are going to weed you out and only take the cases with the highest probability of winning. With that said, they win something like 90%+ of their cases (which makes sense since they're only taking the most favorable). The manufacturers know this and once a lawyer is involved will move heaven and earth to fix your problem or settle with you. If the original poster is looking to go this route, PM me, and I'll refer you to the lawyer I used.