Just casually doing an oil change and I always do the diff while I'm at it because I have a gallon of diff fluid for her I want to use up. Go to put the drain plug back in and torque it. Not even close to torquing down and it goes loose..... ( Insert 5 minutes of profane excessive profanity so loud that the cops were called, JK but not really) And I get it out. Turns out the bolt snapped on half.
Wtf bullshiet is this this aluminum bolt fvckey hollow-ass-mother-sh!t-fack!ng-ass-a!ds is this dumb idea
Let's put a hollow fragile bolt in a place that's sure to be trouble
Got it out luckily so now I'm running to home Depot ( only store open ATM) to get a bolt that will work till a replacement can be ordered.

Wtf bullshiet is this this aluminum bolt fvckey hollow-ass-mother-sh!t-fack!ng-ass-a!ds is this dumb idea
Let's put a hollow fragile bolt in a place that's sure to be trouble
Got it out luckily so now I'm running to home Depot ( only store open ATM) to get a bolt that will work till a replacement can be ordered.