.060 Over
Well I had a look under the hood. Since I was under there, I got five new spark plugs, gaped them and replaced with the old ones (very needed!). #3 Did have moisture on it and all five of the plugs were not snapped properly in place. This bike sure is different working on it than my Bonnie! I used a spare radiator hose line and cut a length of it to use as a guide to put in the new plugs. Felt better doing that versus taking the chance of cross threading something! I always gave everything a good air bath with my compressor while I was there, buttoned everything up and then got a new code!!!!!!!!! 

So now I have 0460 AND I still have 1685...frustrating. Can someone tell me what 0460 is please? I guess the next step might actually be replacing the CU relay to take 1685 off.
Oh yes...I did disconnect the batter too to see if that would have done the trick but it didn't
So now I have 0460 AND I still have 1685...frustrating. Can someone tell me what 0460 is please? I guess the next step might actually be replacing the CU relay to take 1685 off.
Oh yes...I did disconnect the batter too to see if that would have done the trick but it didn't