Engine Idle Question

Good, sounds like you’re a few bolts away from ruling everything out

Please close the loop and let us know ends up fixing it.
Just food for thought. Fuel filter? Around 25,000 miles bike started to idle funny. This is the same time frame switched pipes and air intake. Decided to change out fuel filter and it was filthy. Re-tuned bike and did valve job along with everything else that is required. Now at 38,000 miles bike at times hiccups. Nothing major but around 40,000 will replace fuel filter. Bet it is dirty again. Along with you all we have some really #iss poor gas in Oklahoma. The Harley is the same recommended filter change is 20,000 miles same for Truimph but have been changing out the filter on the Harley every 15,000 miles. Probably do the same with the Rocket. Not sure if this could cause the problems but
running too rich at idle and low load can be caused by a falty map sensor signal.
you can see it at tuneecu, if you let it run with l maps. or when synchronising.
it should be somewhere around 630-660. anything higher will make her run too rich and cause bad idle.
Oh man didn’t even think of that for some reason, run the lines and make sure they’re not split or only partially connected at the T or sensor!

Good call @Penner !!
Wow I started with the fuel filter on my bike and ended up replacing the t connection due to a slight crack. Previous post a few months ago. Not a genius but figured they would have checked that first.

Hi Penner, the hoses etc have been checked both Pauls bike and mine run around 670 with a difference of 10 when running.

Never though about this and just though these pressures varied based on height above sea level, thinking about it though, this is not correct, its the vacuum between the butterfly disc and cylinder. These pressures would be set of the first screw on the injector body cylinder 1, set 1 too 630 to 660, then adjust 2 & 3 to suit and balance.

Am I correct?

Thanks for the input/help.

Hi Sonny, and thanks, though the issue is too rich rather than lean, a blocked filter should cause a lean out that gets worse as revs increase

you are right. it is the average barometric pressure over all 4 cycles. and it also depends on external barometric pressure.
if you have a look at the L-tables you will see that 670 is already richer, but still okay. so map sensor and the lines will surely not be an issue with pauls rocket.
(the corresponding f-tables at 0-1% throttle opening will have similar numbers)
i have just had a rocket that was like 880-900 as the intake cams were fitted in wrong position. that was far too rich and caused extremly rich afr.

so it is probably another sensor that will make it run rich like that. go to test and diagnosis-mode in tune ecu, when the engine is running. you can see most sensor signals there and compare them to your rocket.
you can also see learned afr at diagnosis mode. it is at "02-sensor" in %. values should be smaller than 25% and will probably be much higher with pauls bike.

anyway try "reset adaptions" when engine temperature is above 75 degrees c.
I note Paul has a PCV & AT. Have you updated the firmware in both?

Had my fueling go bad by itself before, reloading map/making adjustments didn't help but a firmware update fixed it.