Electrical Gremlins Part 5: The Reckoning?

When you say "the base of the starter" do you mean the negative side of the starter?
When you say "the base of the starter" do you mean the negative side of the starter?
where it bolts to the motor
either the starter or motor should b a good ground
some one on a late model had same prob and it was corroded terminals
It drops from 12.4v to 12.14v
your problem will be most likely in the solenoid kit you replaced. you have the current going to the starter solenoid but the round washer is not making connection with both of the terminals therefore not drawing down the voltage and not turning starter.
don't know if this is correct but i have heard of the spring and/or the rod being to long.
the solenoid might not be strong enough to slam that washer into the contacts.
hth herman
just info for those of u that don't know
word of warning do not have your fingers under or in the starter when u do this
u can check starter off of the bike by running two jumper cables red cable from positive bat terminal to positive starter stud
black negative cable from neg post to starter bolt holes/base. then take a short wire and go from the cable positive to the blade of the solenoid
i usually hold the starter down with my foot. as soon as u touch the small wire the starter will spin up.
also do not see what kind of rpm's u can get out of the starter.
Here's the list of things I did last night:
Cleaned the ground on the bottom of the engine
Took the starter off
Cleaned the contacts on the starter
Opened the solenoid chamber on the starter, sprayed out the inside with carburetor cleaner (gave it ample time to air out)
Sanded the contacts a little to try to make better connection
Applied bulb grease to the contact ring in the solenoid
Clipped roughly 3/16" off the end of the solenoid spring
Reassembled everything
Applied bulb grease to the plastic connection to the solenoid on the top of the starter (generously)

Hopefully this does the trick, we will see.
I'm having pretty much the same issues with my 2015 Rocket X. I have also replaced the solenoid kit a couple of years ago. The battery is not very old and has just been tested and has good cranking amps. Did these latest steps you tried do the trick?
Check that 8 pin connector to the ignition, I'm in the process of replacing one pin that was burnt on the harness side. No idea what caused it, maybe removing the keyless ignition without disconnecting the battery, I forgot to do that.
I'm having pretty much the same issues with my 2015 Rocket X. I have also replaced the solenoid kit a couple of years ago. The battery is not very old and has just been tested and has good cranking amps. Did these latest steps you tried do the trick?
No, I can't say that it did. I still get the problem, though less frequently since I cut about half an inch off of the spring inside the starter solenoid.
I'm having pretty much the same issues with my 2015 Rocket X. I have also replaced the solenoid kit a couple of years ago. The battery is not very old and has just been tested and has good cranking amps. Did these latest steps you tried do the trick?