Okay, here's the write up for what has been checked tonight:
Started off making the starter spin (did not turn over engine) by shorting from the positive terminal on the battery to the connection under the boot on the starter.
Tested the terminal under the boot for voltage, found no voltage.
Tested all fuses for voltage, all had good voltage.
Found the Diagnosis diagram on page 1.22 of the manual in
@idk 's signature for the starting circuit and followed it out.
Came to the conclusion that the starter relay was faulty, replaced it.
After no results and further testing, all I can determine for sure is that the ground connection on the yellow/brown wire coming out of the ecu to the starter relay is intermittent, and that I cannot get the relay to click without directly powering it from the battery. When I bypass the starter relay, the starter turns the engine over (bike jumps forward if in gear)
The dash remained blank through all of this.
Potential diagnoses:
Some connection in the ecu is damaged, and not allowing a consistent ground in the starter relay.
Solenoid on the starter is damaged, causing the main connection from the battery to the starter to disconnect.
Ground on the starting circuit is intermittent, causing ecu to throw a code that does not allow the bike to function normally.
Let me know what you guys think, and thanks again for sticking with me on this.