Electrical Gremlin Strikes Again

i would suggest that u take the 5 pin relay for the starter and put it where the 4 pin engine management relay goes just for a check to see if anything happens.
i use these 5 pin starter relays for spares just because they will work to replace any of the relays.
I have the plug, readings are as follows:
Pin 1: 0.03v
Pin 2: 11.5v
Pin 3: 0.03v
Pin 4: 11.5v
Pin 5: 0v
Pin 6: 11.78v
Pin 7: 0.04v
Pin 8: 0.05v
Pin 9: 0.06v
Pin 10: 0v
Pin 11: 0v
Pin 12: 0.06v

r these voltage reading with the plug out or with the plug in
i am assuming that they loop a couple of wires if so what r the numbers they connect?
we will talk tomorrow good nite
r these voltage reading with the plug out or with the plug in
i am assuming that they loop a couple of wires if so what r the numbers they connect?
we will talk tomorrow good nite
These were taken with the plug out. I've attached an image of the plug. It connects pin 1 to 2 and pin 3 to 5.
good morning
next step
cross over the eng management relay #1 to 8 should have 12 volts both sides then check coils and injectors should have 12 volts on one side even w/o ign or kill switch. (comp controls other side by grounding)
if that checks out we can put a ground wire into (#4 eng relay socket should be the black wire) and out to NEGITIVE side of bat this should check the ground circuit and replace the original position of the ground by back feeding the system.
ALSO AT SOME POINT U MIGHT WANT TO UNPLUG SORRY CAPS and replug looking for corrosion on the main wiring harness and also the instrument harness connector.
at some point u could remove the ecu (check for corrsion ) and just unplug your dad's ecu and plug yours in (no need to remove from bike) to see if it works (assuming they r compatible.)

also it seems when the speedo/tack on the reg bike goes the bike keeps on running however i have not heard of the touring going bad so i do not know if that will cause a lot of other problems.
my goal is to eliminate all the other stuff before buying the instrument assy.
also if u have a code reader or scanner u might want to try it that would be one place where we can check ground and positive.