I think my problem is resolved thanks again to this forum. I had replaced my driving light bulbs originally H3 35watt with H3 55watt. this has been causing some heat stress to the wiring. I am now looking at some led replacement bulbs to replace the 55 watts. Any suggestions?
I was going to suggest that. My 05 had that problem after changing the H-4's from stock bulbs to 100w "hi-vis" - 2 weeks later the frigging left plug melted - I spliced in some aftermarket high temp plug ends & that fixed it but a short while later I went ahead & changed out the units for LED's. But you certainly found your problem
I had the same thing happen -- 135W baby !! NOT SO FAST. Fortunately I caught it with only discoloration before any serious damage.
I put LEDs in the driving lights some time ago at the suggestion of @DEcosse . Last time I saw him post on the topic, seemed he thought there are better alternatives than the ones I have -- which required some modification because the bulb base was close but not exactly compatible with the mount in the light shells. And the wiring too had to be adjusted as Triumph uses a peculiar (in my limited experience, anyway) wiring arrangement as opposed to a socket as is used for all the other lights on the bike.