Effect of windshield

Mine in the 2000 2500 rpm range in 3rd to 5th sounds like a bucket of bolts and pull poorly. Again my engine and exhaust is stock, does gaining the extra low end torque with the Ram Air and Exhaust change help this low rpm rattle? I would say my engine currently doesn't smooth out till 3000 rpm and up, where it pulls well.

I think that the very lean conditon doesn't do anything good for smoothness at the lower rpms, is that so? Would going richer smooth out the lower rpm rattle noise?


Sounds like you need a serious tune.
Get a tune from @HansO and that should solve a lot of your problems.

The large Clearview screen will keep the wind off, but it will also lower your mpg by about 2-3 at normal highway cruising speeds. However, I found that much more than 200 miles or so without a screen on the Interstates gets a bit tiring. With a good screen - 1,000+ miles are no problem.
Wait til you do 130 or 140 mph with a windshield, it gets real interesting........

Mine '10R3R is rock solid at 118 mph 190 kmh (GPS reading) fully loaded with vented Clearview (stock OEM Roadster screen size), with Clearview deflector lip and Memphis Shades side and top wings and my custom stainless steel lowers. Also loaded OEM leather panniers, custom leather top case and a swag on top of one pannier and a large bag on the other with a light bag on the pillion seat and a tankbag. Maybe my own 350lb helps as well!
Tyre pressures 40.5lb front 42.5lb rear cold, which go up to 44.5 and 47.0lb when hot.;):D

Haven't gone quicker loaded yet!
My take on your question is that, 1) just tuning and dyno will not make a noticeable difference to a bone stock bike? 2) The exhaust is the big restriction and the header manifold is more important than the mufflers.

While I have yet to find a dyno in my area, I tried to quantify the changes I made to mine one step at a time. Briefly this is what I found and reading all the previous posts on this subject tend to verify these findings:

Just a new RamAir filter = No change at all (except a lot of noise from the bear claw)
Tors + RamAir = Not much again, but more noise from the tail pipe
Tors + RamAir + Hanso tune for the change = Now we're getting somewhere
Tors + RamAir + Hanso tune + open the secondaries = Another noticeable jump
Paul Bryant header + Tors +RamAir + Hanso tune with opened secondaries = Hang on! The header was the single biggest performance boost without question! Completely different bike and the most noticeable gain for me was right where you're talking about. Low end torque. She started pulling harder and smoother in that low to mid range RPM which is exactly what I was looking for, not top end.

I then added PCV + AT and it did absolutely nothing except drain my wallet of $500 dollars. I wasn't really expecting much here, but new I would need it for the eminent Dyno Tune which hasn't happened because there aren't any tuners on the east coast apparentlyo_O

Along the way I also tried stock mufflers that were "gutted" of the CAT's inside. I didn't like the sound/noise of the TOR's so I went back to this pair of pipes and to my surprise she pulled even harder at that lower range and She's much quieter now for the long cruises!

If I ever find a reliable dyno tuner, I will take the 3 different sets of pipes and quantify the results but for now my combination is

Paul Bryant header + de-cat'd stock mufflers + RamAir + Hanso tune w/open secondaries + PCV + AT

BTW, I have a Corbin fairing with a taller shield too. While I don't have any torque/HP numbers to spit out I can tell you that if I snap the throttle in first gear the front tire will come off the ground and sometimes if I time it right in second with a wee bit of a hill maybe, she'll come off.

My opinion is that if you're looking for the maximum gain without going inside the engine, get the header first!:thumbsup: You'll forget you have a windshield.;)
If I ever find a reliable dyno tuner, I will take the 3 different sets of pipes and quantify the results but for now my combination is

Paul Bryant header + de-cat'd stock mufflers + RamAir + Hanso tune w/open secondaries + PCV + AT

Thanks for all of that!! very good info for me. Your goals are the same a mine, better low end torque and it sounds like the header is the starting point.

I presume you also went with a Paul cross over pipe as well

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, on the 2016s and a little earlier, the secondaries are open in the first 3 gears, and only in 4th and 5th above 5000 rpm is there some restricting, not sure how this is done.

If you want to bring your bike to Maine, there is a small shop in Windham Maine that 2 people have told me go a good job with PCV tuning. http://www.motomilano.com/gfx/directions.gif


Thanks for all of that!! very good info for me. Your goals are the same a mine, better low end torque and it sounds like the header is the starting point.

I presume you also went with a Paul cross over pipe as well

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, on the 2016s and a little earlier, the secondaries are open in the first 3 gears, and only in 4th and 5th above 5000 rpm is there some restricting, not sure how this is done.

If you want to bring your bike to Maine, there is a small shop in Windham Maine that 2 people have told me go a good job with PCV tuning. http://www.motomilano.com/gfx/directions.gif


Yes I did got the crossover from Paul as well.

I don't know about 2016's. Mine's a 13 and the stock tune in it had a progressive opening of the secondaries. I tried 100% open and it was kinda jerky? I believe the Hanso tune in it now isn't 100% open but a more aggressive opening? Don't remember. The whole idea of the secondaries is to be able to tune the transition from a lope to wide open. (control hesitations or flat spots as we used to call them)
In old school carburetors they were mechanically linked to the primaries but on the newer stuff and the Rocket they are programable through software. Depends a lot on how you ride. If you like to race through the gears then you might as well open them up all the way, if you like a nice long steady pull with grunt ( grunt is a very technical term only used by really old guys anymore ) maybe just play with the settings.

Be advised that some will even tell you to physically remove the secondaries from the throttle bodies.:eek: I haven't figured this one out yet. I think there may be a correlation between them that do with those that dark side.:rolleyes:

that should start a ruckus...........
It did. Waiting on full exhaust system from paul. Have installed Ramair and when the pipes show up plan on new tune for bike. I'll keep my secondaries thank you very much. Do kind of like the DARKSIDE. G Force Comp 2 BFGoodrich. Running a Elite 3 Dunlop on the front. Nice ride for the open Highway. We do a bit of that everyday. At 27,000 miles since Oct 2015 on the Rocket X life is good. :whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Or 190 once you Carpenterize with y(our) weight! ;):p:D
It is the distribution that counts, I have a LOT of centralised 'chi' and a low COG when on my arse! :D

Dammm! The thought of that caused me to crack a fat! :eek: :roll: :p
Decision made, going to have Paul build up a complete system, this baby has to breathe better

thanks for all the inputs,

Is there any low torque advantage with or without the cross over pipe? Which system would allow for more low end torque?

Is there less sound(noise)per pipe coming out of a double pipe as opposed to a single pipe?

I know on 2 into 1 systems the power is moved upwards in the powerband on the Bonnie. I had a 2 into 2 and it turned my 994 into a beast, except the noise was awfull at times.


Decision made, going to have Paul build up a complete system, this baby has to breathe better

thanks for all the inputs,

Is there any low torque advantage with or without the cross over pipe? Which system would allow for more low end torque?

Is there less sound(noise)per pipe coming out of a double pipe as opposed to a single pipe?

I know on 2 into 1 systems the power is moved upwards in the powerband on the Bonnie. I had a 2 into 2 and it turned my 994 into a beast, except the noise was awfull at times.



The guy to ask is @Paul Bryant himself so I just used the '@Bat phone'.;):cool: