Posted this just now on the yahoo mail list:
Let's see. A week ago I had a 35 mph wreck rounding a corner on mine. Bike walked away with cracked RH radiator plastic chrome pretty, missing RH lower fork reflector, a few scratches on the lower RH fork, and two very bent Triumph bars. Yes the Beetle Bags were scratched up but nary a crack. Not a bent mirror, broken lever dinged tank, side cover, or muffler. Both sides of the bike were in ground contact. I on the other hand am very glad I wear leather and full face helmet. Very sore ribs, bruise on thigh from hip to knee, and a big ass grind mark over my left eye on the full face Arai. Kicked the crash bars straight and rode away. I guess that is my endorsement for them. I'd hate to have bars so stout that the engine breaks before the bars give.