Happy New Year all.
Looking to add some highway crash bars to stretch my legs out on long stretches of road. Bike is 2014 Roadster. Anyone selling any ? Or know where to get some at a fair price ?
Google: AliExpress Triumph Rocket III bars
US$110 + freight
E.g Ships to Abbeville, Alabama, United States
Shipping: US$174.38
$285 new is about half Triumphs price when last available from Triumph . I have bought a few sets from a US importer who sold them for that $110 price IN the US but he sold out except for the Spike version. I have a spare set of these too and they fit all dual and single headlight Rockets same as original fitment.
@Kevin frazier has a pair on his Touring. Great price and look if your taste allows.

Google: Rocket III spike engine bars
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for NEW Engine GUARD HIGHWAY CRASH Bar 4 Triumph Rocket III Roadster Touring at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
I have tried and tested same of these Chinese improved tab mount copies of Triumph's original design sold by the US importer above.
Those failed because Triumph used
too thin steel flat bar for tab plates so Triumph's new version was much stronger. But the design works great if you use thicker tab plates as these Chinese ones do.
And another of that importer's eBay sites in the USA sold them too from Florida I think but the USA ones all seemed to come from the same guy.
He also sells or sold both spiked and plain versions of them on Amazon USA, and his own website Talon Billets
Aftermarket Harley-Davidson, Honda, Yamaha motorcycles accessories
Lots of bars including a few Triumph. Also HD style Batwing screens that will fit a Rocket single headlight Touring or even a Dual headlight with a little fabrication. I have one in the shed I bought years ago and just manually fitted up to my Roadster to see it was easily doable.