All right, back in this game after a long hiatus. Got about 4k miles on the Rocket these past 7-8 months, and am finally ready to begin making some changes. After about 4 attempts to get any response out of Corbin I decided to not get a custom two-up seat at all, which turned out to be fortuitous as my girlfriend isn't really interested in riding in the hot Texas weather anyway. So, I'm back to turning the Rocket into a Rocketeer and the first things on my list are handlebars and foot pegs to get the riding position I want.
Couple of question for all you fine folk;
1. Is there any taper at all on the stock handlebars, or are they 1" through-and-through?
I haven't removed the controls yet but as far as I can tell the handlebar is a solid 1" piece of metal. If my measurements are correct, I'll need a bar with at least a 5" center, and since I'm fairly confident that there's no way in hell a drag bar (looking at 4" pullback, 0" rise for a much more forward leaning riding position) will fit on the Rivco risers (1" up, 2" back) that came with my my bike, I'll also need a pair of stock risers. This leads me neatly to my next question;
2. Anyone got a good source on stock Triumph riser & clamp assembly, or can you recommend other non-Triumph aftermarket models that won't put the bars up and back?
All I can find on ebay are the Rivco and other aftermarket risers, and from what I can tell from various online shops it looks like the risers and clamp would set me back about a $100 USD easy.
Once I find a decent bodyshop in Houston to fabricate my peg mounts I'll get started on that and will have some questions again, but I'll look through the forum first and see what y'all have come up with.
I've got a nice vision for the bike, but as always the size of the wallet means taking things slow. That's OK, though, because the Rocket is everything but, and I think I'll enjoy seeing the transformation.