Ok so some good news Triumph uk said they will replace my cracked instrument cluster with a new unit free of charge even although my bike is out of warranty .Now i just need the saftey re call parts to arrive .
They obviously know they've messed up with the design of these otherwise they wouldn't be replacing them. The issue I have is how long will they keep doing this. They gotta start modifying the replacement part and fix the issue.
I still don't have my bike back. Over 2 weeks now - not returning calls and the standard 'hes with a customer ' every time.I've 7 days booked off work and was planning to go to a rally in Northern Ireland at the weekend, travel to visit Joey Dunlop's final resting place a pint in his bar and travel on to Scotland for a few days
They obviously know they've messed up with the design of these otherwise they wouldn't be replacing them. The issue I have is how long will they keep doing this. They gotta start modifying the replacement part and fix the issue.
I don't think it's Triumph that's messed up. I think it's the company that manufactures them.
The Cobo logo is moulded into the housing, so it's their bad.

In one of the closeup pictures it states that this is a replacement for damaged dashboard cover. I think that means you have to disassemble your instrument cluster and replace the cracked plastic with this replacement piece.
Good spot and typical a few days after I ordered it a review went up confirming just that. Mine arrived this morning and I'll be returning it 👍
In one of the closeup pictures it states that this is a replacement for damaged dashboard cover. I think that means you have to disassemble your instrument cluster and replace the cracked plastic with this replacement piece.

Good call. That's useful to know. Thanks.
Evening all
I posted a while ago about my instrument cluster cracking. Long story short I rang the dealer he said it wasn't covered. After some colourful language he told me I had to book it in for the day in 6 weeks time (2.5hr motorway trip each way and day off work and then repeat when the warranty might or according to him might not be approved) more colourful language. **** it I thought ride and they can do the lot at next service.
Anyway pulled the bike out today and the display is dead. Moisture inside the screen. Bike starts but I'm wondering is it a bit of a lottery now as to whether the bike will continue to start. I'm a bit hesitant to ride to the dealership
My dealer told me the same, emailed triumph in hinckley UK and after few emails between myself dealer and triumph had it replaced FOC
Try emailing or calling hinckley
Well......I've got some news to announce of my own, that I wasn't expecting to happen quite so quickly.
Over the weekend I managed to video my TFT screen dying. It's the first time ever that i've been in a position where I could capture it transitioning to a black screen.
This morning I sent the video over to my local dealer and within half an hour I got an email back saying that Triumph had approved the replacement of the TFT unit and that the new one might be available as early as tomorrow....(I doubt it will be that quick, but still....)

Excited, I am.....and I'm also very surprised how proactive the factory has been about this. The bike is a 2020 model not a bike under manufacturers warranty.

Fingers still crossed, but lets see if it turns out as stated.
Obviously Triumph know this is a big issue but what I don't like is there's no fix - just keep doing the same thing. Eventually there will come a time where we will be handing over our money for a problem that was never fixed.

KTM had a similar issue with my old 2007 990 Superduke. They brought out a modified cluster that solve the ingress of moisture. It became an issue for me years after warranty was out. I didn't mind paying out for what was a better part that fixed the issue. I don't think I'd be very happy in 5/6 yrs time paying for another time bomb!!!!!
Obviously Triumph know this is a big issue but what I don't like is there's no fix - just keep doing the same thing. Eventually there will come a time where we will be handing over our money for a problem that was never fixed.

KTM had a similar issue with my old 2007 990 Superduke. They brought out a modified cluster that solve the ingress of moisture. It became an issue for me years after warranty was out. I didn't mind paying out for what was a better part that fixed the issue. I don't think I'd be very happy in 5/6 yrs time paying for another time bomb!!!!!

You might well be right, but as a professional industrial designer, i've got some skin in the game, so to speak, and I have experience of both outcomes when it comes to outsourced units similar to the kind of unit that Cobo is producing for Triumph.
Sometimes it can take a while to eradicate quality problems as they are not always a direct solution to the problem. It's usually a minefield of issues before there is a resolution to solve all issues. Cobo could be outsourcing components that in turn could have quality/reliability issues etc... the chain can be long and sometimes litigious.
The screen cracking problem might not be solved if it comes down to requiring a costly tooling change. If the production volumes were in the tens of thousands it probably wouldn't be a problem, but when the tooling cost has a high proportional cost and added to that, Triumph design & marketing team intend to revise the shared unit in future bike models, it might not be financially viable to pay for the cost of modifying the tooling.
Modifying the tooling might not solve the cracking first time around. It might require even more development to eradicate the material failure, as it might just be the shapes themselves that for some reason induce cracking due to heat absorption differentials and certain vibration frequencies etc....
You can kinda get a picture of what could be going on behind the scenes.
I see stuff like this happening all the time during development projects. It's just normal in the real world. The problem is when the thing goes into production and something that wasn't spotted during the development and pre-production phases suddenly becomes a failure for the end user to have to flag up.....not good when that happens, for sure. It's not uncommon though. Especially these days when everything on a new vehicle is totally new.
In the good old days, these sorts of components were pretty much standard units that all manufacturers would source from the same supplier for many years, hence the term 'tried, tested & trusted'.......not so easy to achieve in the modern world of a zillion new designs coming out every year, all bespoke and marketing focussed/obsessed.

My screen was/is over four years old and the screen hasn't cracked....yet.

Knowing my luck, when they swap out my TFT unit, what are the odds that I start getting cracked screens ..... 🤔 ......😱.......
Just been booked in for the TFT replacement next Tuesday.
Informed that they want the bike for up to one hour to do this procedure.

I wonder if they will let me keep my screen cover/bezel off the old TFT as a spare, just in case I start getting the dreaded glass crack syndrome???