Zeus and Daisy the two nutjobs

The Staffy smile is irresistible, isn't it mate. People usually laugh when Tyson runs towards them.
Apologies for the quality of this pic but you get the idea.

I've not had a dog for a few years and was always a German Shepherd owner.

Now I have this Patterdale Labeador cross called Reggie. Nice dog but prone to lunacy when loud noises sound... Hates bikes!!!!
Baxter, the last of the herd. There have been as many as five at one time through the years, all mutts, all from shelters or an abusive environment. (Baxter was rescued as a barely weened pup that was thrown out overnight in a blizzard because he messed the floor.) The boy certainly isn't the smartest dog I have ever owned, but one of the most loving and loyal to ever cross the threshold. Great thread and enjoying all of pictures....

He sounds like my Skipper; not a mean bone in his body, but I tell the wife he's a "natural blond, and mentally afflicted."
SINCE KAREN AND HAVE BEEN MARRIED(33YEARS)BOTH HAVE BEEN FREEBIES oops don't yell! Phaedra supposed to be german shepard looked like it when she was a puppy grew up looked exactly like benji the dog on tele,16 years later had to put her down I cried like a baby,abbey who is now 15 years old wide shoulders like a pit bull or a rotweiler?totally black like a lab both mellow abbey will follow me like a shadow but listen to her,good friend came by years ago had dinner talked watched tv for a couple hours got up leave gave Karen hug goodbye abbey who was in other room came round corner saw what was happening totally different dog had him on ground begging for his life screaming like a kid in a half second doc says abbeys on borrowed time now limping around cuz of bone deteration in front leg she brakes I nothing they can do for her sure I will cry like a baby again when the time comes some dogs are better than most people I know