These things are like stray dogs...

Made it over the 100 mile mark yesterday so I can now go higher in the rev range....

Try to keep that front wheel on the ground :D

Congrats, pretty bike.
My 955 (Daytona Motor) has more peak hp than your 1050 but it's all at higher redline than yours - yours has much better mid-range torque which I'd happily swap for. :D
She says she wants a bike of her own... Guess we'll see what happens.
Bought my wife the American red two tone she loves it and a great fit. Geared it down added pipes and bags with short windsheild
Due to weather and other cicumstances I've been riding a Rocket back and forth to work but today I rode the Speed Triple...Holy $hit! What a difference. Maybe I just got used to the Rocket but d@mn this thing is fun to ride!!