
Great to see all the photos of your Dogs..Here in the UK there are many dog owners who allow their dogs to crap in the streets and just don't bother to clear up after them and this give good dog owners a bad name..For me keeping a dog is big responsibility and too much for me..We have a cat and she comes and goes as she pleases..

We used to have a Border Collie when i was a young lad

Same here. After Maggie passed we got a pair of cats. A whole lot less responsibility and we can take off on weekends and they do just fine.
Going back in time, before Cooper the Goldendoodle there was Chief the Elkhound who died suddenly in his sleep last year at 12 1/2.

And before Chief there was Bart the Shar Pei, lost to cancer much too soon at 6 1/2.

The older I get the more I prefer the company of dogs over most people. If only they would live as long.

A couple of my Shepherds with my Mum and my Daughter
Sadly Mum and the Shepherds no longer with us.

Roni, the Red/Black big guy was imported out of Czechoslovakia, out of Military stock
Smartest dog ever - you can see him with his ball in both pics above - would do anything for you to get some time with that ball!
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