Moved and lost the only key I had for my 2017 Rocket III ABS Roadster. Dont recall that behaved that it has a transponder. Can I get a standard Locksmith to make me one ?
I don't think they have one someone will verify
a little story
i lost all of my keys and done a lot of searching so i know what key blanks will fit. i am thinking that i have that info
have you looked for a key in the right panel where you remove the seat.
i contacted triumph and they said the only go back about 5 years for info on the key code but it is worth a try.
keep me posted if you need the numbers of the key blanks that are needed.
No, but Triumph will be able to confirm your key code if your provide your full VIN and proof of ownership to a dealer. They may even be able to provide a cut replacement. EBay sells generic aftermarket key blanks for Triumph which I have used without problems before.