YEP the deer are just fighting back you dont need to hunt so its only fair that they get to take out some killer humans that enjoy killing for fun alls fair in love and war
When I was a kid ('bout 60 years ago LOL) we lived in the sticks, and my father was big into hunting, gun safety instructor, lifetime NRA member, started the Town Of Fenner Sportsman Club (Fenner in central NY... not even a 1 horse town), pops was a true country boy who loved the out doors. His drive to work was about 20 miles each way, and just about every year he'd hit a deer or two on his way to or from work. His buds used to really raz his azz, noting he killed more deer with the family station wagon than he did with a gun. He never got hurt, but the family wagons sure did take a beating!! He generally nailed the deer at dawn or dusk.... headlights made no difference.