What lights are they?
The best headlights you can find and afford to put on your bike is the best way to go, no doubt. But it seems deer are either stupid, or just wanna mess with ya. Your lights can be 600, 800, 1,000 feet out, yippie. But way to often the fark'n deer chooses to wait 'till the last second to jump out from the under growth or from behind a tree, then in front of you. I try not to ride at night....

If you wish some technical dope about measuring headlights, please check out this definitive, peer reviewed, Society of Automotive Engineers Paper.
Tis 13 pages and too much work for me to convert from PDF to JPG in order to post into this forum.
I would send it to an interested party that PMs me his email.

Even with Daymakers and rider acute attention, 60 mph is flirting with danger.
Perception-Response = about 176 feet plus stop distance = minimum 200 feet.

How do you know they are the "brightest"?
What are the make and model?

Correctamundo, Amigo, but best headlights possible will help mitigate that likelihood.
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I have rode the last 15 years back and forth from Henryetta to Tulsa both day shift and night shift. Day shift you leave the house very early. Day break by arrival time. Very dangerous. Night shift not so bad. Leave during daylight and come home before 2:00 AM most of the time. From around 4:00 AM to daybreak is the worst. The deer and other critters seem to be most active during this time frame. Even so prefer to ride.
good excuse and here I thought it was because you couldn't stand up by then

Well, yeah, there's that, too. Dropped the poor K1200 again after a session with Dan two weeks ago, doing a U-turn. Picked it up too far and dropped it on the other side for good measure. It's 150 lbs lighter than the Rocket, but COG is way higher, bad knees and alcohol took care of the rest.
My question is; Who still relies on the stock P O S they call a horn on modern motorcycles?
Me - my horn is there for legal requirements - never use it. I did put a different one (much older) on - but because I messed up the stock cover.