Do I need a clutch?

Ok, so I've had a bit of time messing with it this evening. The clutch cable definitely needed to be lubricated, which made setting the freeplay a lot easier. I now have 2mm (as measured with calipers), consistent between the pulled cable sheath or the clutch lever hinge.

However, this hasn't resolved the main problem. If I attempt to use the clutch to shift between first and second anywhere above 3k rpms, it simply doesn't want to go into second and will go into neutral after making a ratcheting sound. If I pull the clutch again (after the revs have dropped more) and try to shift, it pops right in. If I just float-shift by closing the throttle, it shifts just fine. All other up and down shifts are also quite smooth, and it's never jumped out of gear once it's in.

Could the problem be my technique? I spent the last twelve years riding a Honda Shadow with a heel-toe shifter, and honestly used that nearly all the time. I'm still closing the throttle while pulling the clutch with a little preload on the shifter, then pulling it up sharply, but I wonder if I'm missing a step somehow? I don't know why shifting between all the other gears works perfectly but I always get caught in neutral going up from first.

I've wanted one of these bikes since they first came out, and it's really driving me crazy to have such a major issue on day two.
just a thought it is a little further movement from first to second maybe you foot is not lifting hard enough try adjusting the lever down closer to your foot, you would be surprised how much difference a little makes, I always adjust my lever so it is just a 1/4 inch above my foot rest spot, I had a ankle injury in my younger football days which left me not being able to lift with as much force, just saying

I want to say 15 or 20 thousand miles on mine.

I have to agree with steel he has wasted 3 or 4 motors and has not messed a clutch up yet

Maybe if he kept both wheels on the ground....

So far....
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Agreed, that's why I'm worried. I'd hate to make a simple issue worse.

That's a good idea, Hanso. I did lower the shifter a bit, but maybe not far enough. I'll crank it down some more and see if it helps.
IT must be the adjustment you need freeplay
DID anyone else test the bike ?
Oh, and I wouldn't ride it if you are grinding, the dogs round off really easy, then you're screwed. Deleted first comment and forgot to add to other post, don't mean to confuse you, it looks like you replied already.
IT must be the adjustment you need freeplay

DID anyone else test the bike ?

I did readjust it once I'd lubed the cable, and it seems to be perfect according to all the explanations I've found here on the forum.

I don't have anyone who can test it at the moment, until probably the weekend. That would be helpful to isolate any issue with my technique, though.

Oh, and I wouldn't ride it if you are grinding, the dogs round off really easy, then you're screwed. Deleted first comment and forgot to add to other post, don't mean to confuse you, it looks like you replied already.

Yeah, I'm not riding more than up the street to test after adjustment for now.