Do 5 3/4" Daymakers fit into stock buckets?

So, I will go back through and read through, but these do plug right in correct? Just the longer screws needed....

All I did was install the headlight, put retaining ring in place, took pliers and gently squeezed the retaining ring until the OEM screw and nut screwed together. The pliers jaws hook on the small tangs right where the screw goes through in order to squeeze the retaining ring together. It's not that hard.

Just for the look, several colors to choose from.

From my investigation into Daymaker headlights , final purchased and then install I found there are a lot of china aftermarket headlights. If the lights are under $320 each I would be very cautious. Especially if they "several colors to choose from":eek:
All I did was install the headlight, put retaining ring in place, took pliers and gently squeezed the retaining ring until the OEM screw and nut screwed together. The pliers jaws hook on the small tangs right where the screw goes through in order to squeeze the retaining ring together. It's not that hard.

From my investigation into Daymaker headlights , final purchased and then install I found there are a lot of china aftermarket headlights. If the lights are under $320 each I would be very cautious. Especially if they "several colors to choose from":eek:
Oh yea I know that the ones with the halo in different colors are China made, which brings me to my way over priced motorcycle parts. Have you ever just stopped and looked at what you are getting for that kind of money? I mean really $300 plus each light, you pay triple the price for everything for a bike.... Can buy a freakin bad ass titanium full from front to back exhaust for my 70 Chevelle for 1200-1500 bucks, same as a little tiny ass header and one little slip on, just burns my ass ! $3500 + bucks for 2 custom manufactured wheels for the bike, 2K for 4 of them for the car with tires ok .... I feel better! Lmao
Ok, got my lights in. What did you do with the Red wire? I take it the 3 prong harness is a direct plug in, but what about the red wire?

NVM, found this LED Headlights | R3Owners
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Ok, got my lights in. What did you do with the Red wire? I take it the 3 prong harness is a direct plug in, but what about the red wire?

The red wire goes to the positive side of the park lights (the small bulb in the OEM head light). The small bulb has a yellow and black wire going to it. Cut the black wire and tape it off. Crimp a female connector to the yellow wire and plug it into the red wire on the new headlight. On the new headlight there is a small led in the middle. This takes the place of the small park light.
Put the Daymakers on this weekend an the only thing I can say is WOW! What a difference. The visibility with this upgrade in lighting is just incredible. Pricey, but by far one of the best upgrades I have ever done to a bike.

Thanks to those who first tried this out! I am stoked! :D
so have heard issue with them being only directional and not wide, so in turns they have some issues? guys with them what are your thoughts.
I have had mine in for a few months but have not really done any night ridding to assess how much better than the std ones. Certainly much brighter on low beam.

As soon as I have had a good night ride I will give a report.