That is contradiction to their spec which as you see states operates an extremely wide voltage range, from 9V all the way to 32V.
Did the flicker occur with engine running or with just ignition-on?
I do note that JWS sells an "anti-flicker harness" - can't say for sure what that is exactly
Yup a massive contradiction - I do have the EARLY 8630's though. And the spec's were different.
The JWS answer was that when they said 12V they really meant 12V systems which are normally higher "in use". They said they really meant 13V.
They may have addressed it in newer models. They mentioned that they would be making 12V only versions (used by Ariel M/C)
The new ones (Evo) MAY well have buck/boost controllers in - the early ones I suspect were just buck.
I run off relays anyway. Always have done - direct - offloading the h/bar switch.
The issue discovered before PDM60's - Relays fed from fuses - each beam independent fuse - fusebox fed from 70Amp Relay. BIG FAT WIRES.
With PDM60 - the "problem" remains.
The Flicker occurs IF the battery voltage is not 12.8V (OK 12.78V) or above - So really only visible with engine off.
More prevalent in one unit that the other - and yes I swamped wiring etc to check.
As soon as I start - no issues. It was a published issue with them on the interwebthingie.
I now simply start then switch the light relays active via an "extra" switch. I tried a voltage operated switch but it was a bit of a PITA.
The harness I believe is for JEEPS which have a Pulse Width Modulated supply to the headlamps. Too fast to make a halogen flicker - but LEDS will.
Mully - regarding aesthetics - I agree.
The newer series offer an improvement on Main beam - but very little on Dip. Some, but not much.
So their benefit depends on how often you use main beam - I seldom have opportunity.
I decided simply to add two GOOD Fog Lights. Suits my needs better.
As for the Clones - I know too little - and cannot risk use here in €-mark country.