Do 5 3/4" Daymakers fit into stock buckets?

looks good, can't wait to them on my bike.
Another question, if you go to all LED lights, is their still a need to do the eastern beaver bypass kit, or does their low draw offset the need??
ALWAYS best to do the EB Convertion..... Or better still ask @DEcosse to send details about his system - Its really cool
ALWAYS best to do the EB Convertion..... Or better still ask @DEcosse to send details about his system - Its really cool

If you have LED then a full headlight relay system is not necessary from the performance aspect - the LEDs operate at low voltage anyway & the supply is already regulated by the module, so you don't need the voltage enhancement the relay kit provides
However the key-switch reliability issue remains, although lesser current for the leds
But for a late model Roadster there is already a bypass relay; & for earlier Roadsters or stds/classics it is simple single relay install, using essentially the same scheme the OEM late roaster employs
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If you have LED then a full headlight relay system is not necessary from the performance aspect - the LEDs operate at low voltage anyway & the supply is already regulated by the module, so you don't need the voltage enhancement the relay kit provides However the key-switch reliability issue remains, although lesser current for the leds But for a late model Roadster there is already a bypass relay; & for earlier Roadsters or stds/classics it is simple single relay install, using essentially the same scheme the OEM late roaster employs
Hmmm - Somewhere I have an email from JW-Speaker who make the Daymakers. They highly recommend feeding from the battery via relays. With the JW-Speakers (esp the multi-voltage version) themselves it is possible for the units to show a low flicker effect at voltage less than 13V. I have seen this (and thus contacted Speaker) and it's also a problem on some cars with PWM lighting supplies.

As well as wiring in relays - I'd personally recommend you add an on/off switch if only for maintenance.
And I'd do the full "light-switch" load elimination version.
I cannot believe that a motorcycle can have such bad headlights as my Rocket!!! For cash flow reasons :)}) can I just fit one Daymaker beside the other stock candle without screwing stuff up?? Thanks
For Harley Chrome 5-3/4" Motorcycle LED Headlight Projector Daymaker Lamp 5.75''
Is this light any good. I know it's called a daymaker but that may be Mandarin for cloudy day:} Any thoughts?
That is the SERIES-1 Daymaker. made by JW-Speaker and a 100% rebadged JW-Speaker-8630.
If you fit it and decide you want another you'll have a devil of a search.
Plus getting the early 8630 to fit properly can be awkward depending on the bike. Harley had to sell modified shells.

The Daymaker currently sold IS different. Still made by JW Speaker btw.
The current 8630 Sold by JW-Speaker has also evolved but is not the same as the new version made for HD.
If your plan is to start with 1 and later maybe get another - get something current.
And believe me - Once you have fitted 1 - you'll be saving for the other.
This is the one you want:
Daymaker-67700145.jpg Daymaker-67700144.jpg Daymakers_mine.jpg

Best deal I found was at Kutter Harley - $320 each

This is a graph of light meter testing I did.
300+ feet able to recognize object or person using the human civil twilight standard of 3.2 lux.

This is the one you want:
Daymaker-67700145.jpg Daymaker-67700144.jpg Daymakers_mine.jpg

Best deal I found was at Kutter Harley - $320 each

This is a graph of light meter testing I did.
300+ feet able to recognize object or person using the human civil twilight standard of 3.2 lux.

Are these manufactured by JW Speaker?

Why I'm asking is these here are cheaper than the ones you posted.
5 3/4" DAYMAKER Replacement Black Projector HID LED Light Bulb Headlight Motorcycle Harley 5.75"

Also noticed some of these headlights have one projector at the bottom and some have two. Kind of wondering what the deal is there. Different manufacture?
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