Do 5 3/4" Daymakers fit into stock buckets?

so have heard issue with them being only directional and not wide, so in turns they have some issues? guys with them what are your thoughts.

To me projection to the corners of the road are much better than stock. The pattern on low beam is quite wide and on high beam you get quite a lot of reach IMHO.
so have heard issue with them being only directional and not wide, so in turns they have some issues? guys with them what are your thoughts.

Liked the first set on my Roadster so much I put a second set on my Standard. Best upgrade I've done by far to either bike...errrr...other than the cruise control on the Standard maybe
so have heard issue with them being only directional and not wide, so in turns they have some issues? guys with them what are your thoughts.

U have two headlights u can adjust them to as wide angle as u want.
the problem with the oem is the hi beam is in the sky and the low beam is just in front of your tire. i tried to adjust them and never could. people would flash me to dim my lights and when i did they where just in front of my front tire then i would have to slow to 15 mph. was that fun
now i installed one daymaker and i can drive at night. i have not seen anyone on here that has installed the daymakers be unhappy. except for the price
so have heard issue with them being only directional and not wide, so in turns they have some issues? guys with them what are your thoughts.

I have had mine for a couple years and well over 20K miles.
Have ridden plenty at night and have had NO issues!
These are BY FAR the best lights I have ever ridden with and the best MC lights tested to date!

What has worked best for me is to use high beam and adjust it to the normal low beam setting.
On the level, I used the same height from the ground as the lights at 35 feet.
I occasionally get a flash from oncoming small cars, but I can easily live with that.
I also adjusted each light slightly outboard, so that the center of the beams were 6 feet either side of the center line.
I was not leading. I was in the back and you were way way back and those head lights looked real good way back there