No sir the pressure supply pum does not suck its gavity fedd and the blows open the one way valve filling the odd shapped port in the sump pan then force back into the weird shaped port in the bottom of the engine case and then inti the large filter pipe towards the filter. From the filter is fills up the main bearn ladder galley which feeds each main bearing area and then fills the little pipe that crosses over to supply the transmission and front torsional bearing and the related shafts like the torsion damper shaft and the input shaft so oil is sprayed inside the clutch basket and out the front shaft lubricating the pressure plate bearing and the clutch lifter piece along with the lifter shaft. The little port hole in the pocket it there to help drain the galley when you pull the tank drain plug. I imagine someone lost a lot of sleep designing this system. Its kind of a work of art or atleast a machinist like myself that has rebuilt milling machines and engine lathes along with jet aircraft, nuclear and conventional power ships thinks so

most people look at the sump pan and never realize all the thought put into it

fortunately I've had a engine case to flop around and look at for a lot of years since I blew my first rocket engine in 08. Oh and before someone ask yes I have woke up in the middle of the night and went down into the basement to flop the cases around check on something I figured out while sleeping. I know it sounds weird but I have to just to get out of my head.