Distracted driver hits four motorcycles

Just saw an old friend's friend last night & learned that he was rear-ended while riding his m/c in Key West over the winter. Distracted texting woman driver hit him and knocked him off the bike while rolling down the highway. Not even an intersection around. He is still mending but thankfully on the way to a full recovery. Somehow his bike made out better than him. Those old Beemers must be pretty tough.

The 1 on the right is his bike....before accident.
Glad to hear his is fairing well. Just hate hearing about these type of mishaps.

I would have loved to see the exression on her face!
Between people on the phone, texting and running red lights, it's becoming a war zone around here. I have christened these people ABD "Anything But Drive" which is what they do when in a vehicle. I was almost run off the road just this morning. I was passing a line of three cars on a two lane country road. I got along side the first car (an SUV actually) when she decided she was going to pass too. **** near pushed me in the ditch. She was not on the phone, or texting or putting on makeup... She was lighting a cigarette! I never want to experience the front wheel locking up ever again!! That was not fun.
I never want to experience the front wheel locking up ever again!! That was not fun.

Nope, that's why ABS on any new bike one buys these days is the only sensible thing. Anyone can brake beautifully on command, but not when taken by surprise. Even with lots of training it's easy to squeeze too hard. Glad you didn't get bulldozed.