I am with the others in at least you did not get hurt. Still is one of the last things you want to happen. Have dropped my statoliner a couple of times, cobra fatty bars saved it. Have not dropped my Zx-14 yet.
Well I hope you never do! All of us that have so far dropped one should be exempt from doing it again.(if only it worked that way) but at least it makes us more careful. I like those wheels by the way-nice job.
Well I hope you never do! All of us that have so far dropped one should be exempt from doing it again.(if only it worked that way) but at least it makes us more careful. I like those wheels by the way-nice job.
I work on that principle a lot. I was run over by a car (many years ago) so I figure that the chances of being run over twice are very slim. I also used to carry a bomb when I flew, working on the statistical improbability of there being two bombs on the same flight - and I knew that I wasn't going to set mine off so therefore the flight should be safe. :rolleyes:
I am with the others in at least you did not get hurt. Still is one of the last things you want to happen. Have dropped my statoliner a couple of times, cobra fatty bars saved it. Have not dropped my Zx-14 yet.

I'd be very curious here. Did you get rid of a rocket for that Stratoliner?
My brother rides one and we have done over 15,000 miles together.
It's a fine bike, but it ain't no Rocket!
If this is so, please tell me why? Inquiring minds and all that. :D:thumbsup:
I also used to carry a bomb when I flew, working on the statistical improbability of there being two bombs on the same flight - and I knew that I wasn't going to set mine off so therefore the flight should be safe. :rolleyes:
Got your own monographed bullet?
I work on that principle a lot. I was run over by a car (many years ago) so I figure that the chances of being run over twice are very slim. I also used to carry a bomb when I flew, working on the statistical improbability of there being two bombs on the same flight - and I knew that I wasn't going to set mine off so therefore the flight should be safe. :rolleyes:

Rocket scientist really likes the way you think :roll:
I'd be very curious here. Did you get rid of a rocket for that Stratoliner?
My brother rides one and we have done over 15,000 miles together.
It's a fine bike, but it ain't no Rocket!
If this is so, please tell me why? Inquiring minds and all that. :D:thumbsup:
Did not get rid of my Rocket it was thrown down the highway after hitting a deer. After that I was being impatient and triumph dealer not wanting to make a deal and Yamaha dealer would led me to the strat. No In all reality the strat is a very good bike, good power, looks good but you are right its not a rocket 3. The strat is all set up now with custom seats, heated grips, etc. and most of all its paid for so not sure if a rocket will ever be in my future again. LOVE rockets but not willing to trade a paid for set up bike for taking on payments again and setting up a bike again, especially when the strat is a great bike also. I lurk on this site because I love rockets, someday another one?
Did not get rid of my Rocket it was thrown down the highway after hitting a deer. After that I was being impatient and triumph dealer not wanting to make a deal and Yamaha dealer would led me to the strat. No In all reality the strat is a very good bike, good power, looks good but you are right its not a rocket 3. The strat is all set up now with custom seats, heated grips, etc. and most of all its paid for so not sure if a rocket will ever be in my future again. LOVE rockets but not willing to trade a paid for set up bike for taking on payments again and setting up a bike again, especially when the strat is a great bike also. I lurk on this site because I love rockets, someday another one?

Thanx for the response. I be glad you do hang around as folks here are pretty dam special, fun to interact with and know stuff!
That Strat is a fine motor indeed. I just require more beans to convince myself I'm not THAT old! :roll::p