Just like Dirty Harry said:
"A man has got to know his limitations."
Look on the bright side, Jack - you could have herniated the piss out of yourself trying to prevent it from dropping, so, all told, you came away pretty lightly, don't ya' think? (Hey, I'm trying)
I feel your pain :confused:

Dropped my first Triumph in the garage when I was rolling it in on its first night. Repairs took a week. It was a tough way to start out.
Several years ago I was trailering my Bonneville America to a new position at a VA Hospital in Florida. Well, I went to release the tie-down strap and had the stand down...BUT in a hurry I released the wrong side...down it went on the side rail of the trailer. Fortunately it only put "a little" dent in the tank. Man did I feel stupid.
Dropped mine last summer before a trip to the beach. I'd just rubbed suncream on the kids, and my hands were oiled up. Was rolling the bike around to get it ready to ride, and felt it start to slide out of my hands. Couldn't stop it, couldn't grip anything as hard as I tried, and had to let it drop away from me. Just lucky it fell away from me, and slow enough not to really break anything.

Very, very, frustrating.
I also have a ZX-14R (2013 Model) and have dropped mine but fortunately on wet boggy ground (which was the reason I dropped it in the first place, left foot just slipped straight out from under me) and didn't even mark the paint....phew!!!! Had to get help getting the big f*&ker up though, again because of the wet ground I couldn't get any purchase and then cause I was using the back-to-the-seat-and-walk-backwards-while-lifting technique I was worried I'd flip her right over and have to start againattachFull24122. Seriously thinking of trading her in on the new 2015 Tiger 800XC though. I love the ZX-14R but I find it very one dimensional e.g I can go really really fast from point A to B but that's about it. The cost of putting decent luggage on it seems to be prohibitive so no extended touring and I find the riding position uncomfortable after a short while. There are a lot of unsealed roads and fire trails in my area and I'd love to spend time exploring them.


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I also have a ZX-14R (2013 Model) and have dropped mine but fortunately on wet boggy ground (which was the reason I dropped it in the first place, left foot just slipped straight out from under me) and didn't even mark the paint....phew!!!! Had to get help getting the big f*&ker up though, again because of the wet ground I couldn't get any purchase and then cause I was using the back-to-the-seat-and-walk-backwards-while-lifting technique I was worried I'd flip her right over and have to start againattachFull24122. Seriously thinking of trading her in on the new 2015 Tiger 800XC though. I love the ZX-14R but I find it very one dimensional e.g I can go really really fast from point A to B but that's about it. The cost of putting decent luggage on it seems to be prohibitive so no extended touring and I find the riding position uncomfortable after a short while. There are a lot of unsealed roads and fire trails in my area and I'd love to spend time exploring them.
I only use mine for short runs a day out with lots of breaks, your right about it being one dimensional but the acceleration is awesome & I find the handling very good for such a big bike. I don't need luggage so I don't even know the cost of it. It was bought as the bike to change but so far I don't know what to get instead.