Gentlemen, first let me say thanks for all the suggestions, if it can't be fixed or modded through this site, then it most likely can't be fixed or modded at all. i forgot about hammering a screw driver onto the end of the broken bit, did try it, but it wouldn't grab enough, so i ran the blade through the sharpener, but no luck in mudville, (or however that saying goes). and yea when i realized that this wasn't going to be easy to get out, i thought of TT, he is just up the highway, but i lost his number. I was totally bummed out, bike screwed over a $2 dollar bolt, happened to be in the hardware store looking for one thing and happened to notice a narrow chisel, figured they were made for digging in so bought it, put it down the hole to the bolt end gave it a few taps and out it came, had to work it nice and easy, but got it. YEA BABY!!!!!!!! carefully ran a tap through it to clean up the threads, flushed it out to make sure there was nothing left in there, New good grade bolt and modified crush washer and all is right with the world once again.
I had to ride my Harley for 3-days in a row, man i hope that never happens again, i like my Harley and Goldwings (currenlty being rebuilt) and SV, but they are not a rocket.
Again thanks, if it wasn't for this place i would have been in a very bad place