Didnt pass any other bikes today...

Someone did. I think the quote was "California pussies". lol
Well, that would be pretty accurate given my observation of Californians!
I couldn't get my Rocket out this morning, that make me a Pussie??

Settle petal. I think you'll find it was done in jest. As for use of the word badass, now that's worth having a dig at.

I wouldn't say non-existent; it does get pretty cold here by Aus standards. Sub zero C is pretty usual throughout winter with -5C being about the bottom. But even then the days are generally sunny. Hardly ever snows and I can only recall it settling a couple of times. You northern hemisphere riders certainly do it tougher than we do. If you want a climate to envy, try Queensland (bastards).
WRONG!!!!! I live in a place where wind chill is a constant...It sucks and if your job requires you to work out in it all day It becomes a very serious problem....no matter how many layers you put on....

Perhaps you are working too slowly?
Sorry - I just couldn't resist . . .