Well....It's taken me a while to get around to it, but i've completely solved the flexing front fender problem.
All of these models have front fenders that vibrate and flex badly. The vibrating noise that they generate can be damped out by using some foam rubber strips between the three plastic components that come together to form the complete fender.
However, that doesn't solve the flexing of the fender, so when I made my fender extender, the additional length and weight made the fender flex even more during use, causing the fender to come into contact with the tyre, which is a no no, of course. So I had to remove the fender extender till I came up with a solution to the weak and floppy nature of the fender assembly.
I originally had ideas to reinforce/stiffen from underneath the fender, so the modification would be hidden from sight, but after trying out a couple of different designs, I got to the stage of thinking that I was trying too hard. The whole idea seemed too complicated and heavy.
So, I had a break from working on it and came back to it during the Christmas holiday......and dreamed up a much lighter and simpler solution, by bending up some stainless wire ( 2.3mm welding wire ). It completely transforms the structure of the fender assembly.
No floppyness now.
Solid as a rock.
So the fender extender is back on the bike.
Aesthetically, I would prefer it if there wasn't anything to see, but then again, I would also prefer not to have to have a fender extender. The bike needs one from a practical point of view, so the stabilizing 'rods' are a necessary part of the assembly.
Job done ! Finally !!